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71012-13 Mr. Incredible


Mr. Incredible

Mr. Incredible is LEGO set 71012-13. It has a score of 85. This is average compared to all other sets. The set is recommended by 2 reviews, based on 6 scored reviews and 13 reviews total. It is ranked in the top 24.57% scored sets on Brick Insights. We know this set was released in 2016, and it is categorised in Collectable Minifigures.


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Average rating



We calculate the average rating when we've found two or more scored reviews. This set is average compared to all other sets. Read more about the ratings distribution chart here.


Indifference 50%




A review is considereded a recommendation when its score is above the reviewers median score or if it's explicitly said so in the review. Read more in our article about recommendations.

Price Per Part (PPP)

We do not currently know how the average price per part for this set compares to other sets.

All prices are in $USD, adjusted for inflation. This set is compared to other sets categorised as Other. Read more about this in our article about price comparisons.

PPP is a guide, not a rule, and affected by the type of parts included. A set containing small generic parts generally have better PPP than one containing larger specialized parts.

Price Per Minifig (PPM)

We do not currently know how the average price per minifig for this set compares to other sets.

All prices are in $USD, adjusted for inflation. This set is compared to other sets categorised as Other. Read more about this in our article about price comparisons.

PPM only takes the number of minifigs into account and discards everything else. It's a guide, not a rule.

Review breakdown

Scored reviews

Jay's Brick Blog Recommendation: yes 5 / 5 → 100 / 100

Just2Good Recommendation: yes A+ → 100 / 100

The Brick Fan Recommendation: meh 4.5 / 5 → 90 / 100

Eurobricks Recommendation: meh 8.7 / 10 → 87 / 100

Brickset Recommendation: meh 3.7 / 5 → 74 / 100

Playing with Bricks Recommendation: no 3 / 5 → 60 / 100

Unscored reviews

The Brothers Brick

The Rambling Brick


Brickset News




Set information

Set ID: 71012-13
Name: Mr. Incredible
Parts: 6
Minifigs: 1

Other sites:

Brickset Amazon



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Jay's Brick Blog

Jay's Brick Blog logo

Recommendation: yes 5 / 5 by Jay

Now that we have Mr Incredible.. I kind of want the entire family. An easy work around would be to buy multiples of him and re-use the torso for the other members of the Incredibles family till they release actual minifigures. Or an Incredibles-themed set. I'd buy the heck out of that. Goes without saying that Mr Incredible is one of my favourites from this series!

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Just2Good logo

Recommendation: yes A+ → 100 / 100

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The Brick Fan

The Brick Fan logo

Recommendation: meh 4.5 / 5 by Allen "Tormentalous" Tran

There were quite a few characters that I really liked such as Stitch, Buzz Lightyear, Maleficent, and Donald. However, there were also some that really didn't hit the mark for me like Mr. Incredible, Syndrome, Captain Hook, and Genie. The main reasons for that is because the characters just didn't translate well in minifigure form. Some of those characters have larger features that didn't come out too well the way they currently are.

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Eurobricks logo

Recommendation: meh 8.7 / 10 by WhiteFang

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Brickset logo

Recommendation: meh 3.7 / 5 from 2 reviews

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Playing with Bricks

Playing with Bricks logo

Recommendation: no 3 / 5 by Nachos Grande

In my mind, I feel like I've seen "The Incredibles" movie...and yet I can't remember a single thing about it. Only Mr. Incredible and Syndrome (the villain from the movie) carry 2x2 tiles in this line of figures which makes it very easy to find both figures. Compound that with the fact that each figure is among the 4x figures in the box and you shouldn't have any trouble finding your Incredible's fix.

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The Brothers Brick

The Brothers Brick logo

by Chris

Many of these characters, even the non-human ones, translate pretty well into minifigure form, but Mr. Incredible is probably the weakest of the bunch. The whole point of Mr. Incredible's character is that he is a fat, aging superhero, and while the minfig version recreates his balding hair, the minfig doesn't feel like it has the heft that Mr. Incredible should have. He looks more like a balding Red Robin from Batman.

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The Rambling Brick

The Rambling Brick logo

by Richard

I would like to quickly comment on the figs themselves: they are fantastic. They have great features, ensuring none is particularly dull or mundane. Eight figures with 2 tone moulded legs; 3 moulded ‘leg/fin/ gaseous genie' pieces and 3 sets of short legs. Eight new hats/hair pieces; Five new head moulds (7 characters). Five pearl gold accessories; two hairbows, duck tales and 2 different skirts, one set of blueprints and a propaganda poster!

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BZPower logo

by Andrew

71012 represents a big step forward in the detail that designers can endow minifigures with; and there's no better group of iconic characters to implement these advances on. The 18 characters of this collectible figure series represent their original versions quite well, for the most part, introducing a bounty of new molds to fill the unique needs of their designs... but, from the point of view of a MOCer, that very specificity goes somewhat to waste in terms of reapplying the new parts. I think this series will be a real treat for Disney fans, whether or not they're into LEGO.

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Brickset News

Brickset News logo

by TheBrickPal

I will just say it: this is an extraordinary series. It might be the best Collectable Minifigures series of all time. For a Disney geek like me, this is a literal dream come true! No minifigure is truly awful, but some are definitely better than others and there are true standouts. My favorites, in no particular order, are Buzz Lightyear, Syndrome, Stitch, Ariel, Maleficent and Captain Hook. My least favorites are Genie, Alice, Daisy Duck and Mr. Incredible. But like I said, I don't necessarily HATE any of them.

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by Jang

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BS01 logo

by Dorek

LEGO has done a wonderful job here of taking iconic characters and transforming them into distinct plastic form. Even when the results aren't quite perfect, there's always a key aspect that's made the transition intact perfectly. If you like Disney and you like LEGO, you'll definitely like these.

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Diskingdom logo

by Travis D.

I think the one issue I have with the look of this series is with Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and Daisy. Instead of looking for like the cartoon character (like Stitch or Cheshire Cat), the size of the head sculpt makes them more like the early-day walk-around characters at Disneyland. It's a quirkiness that I don't necessarily mind, but they just seem off to me. All of the other characters I feel work well with the design and sculpt.

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