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75059-1 Sandcrawler



Sandcrawler is LEGO set 75059-1. It has a score of 88. This is average compared to all other sets. The set is recommended by 4 reviews, based on 7 scored reviews and 9 reviews total. It is ranked in the top 13.03% scored sets on Brick Insights. We know this set was released in 2014, and it is categorised in Star Wars.

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Average rating



We calculate the average rating when we've found two or more scored reviews. This set is average compared to all other sets. Read more about the ratings distribution chart here.


Recomended 57%




A review is considereded a recommendation when its score is above the reviewers median score or if it's explicitly said so in the review. Read more in our article about recommendations.

Price Per Part (PPP)

Average PPP for System in 2014 is 0.13. PPP for this set is 0.1, which is better.

All prices are in $USD, adjusted for inflation. This set is compared to other sets categorised as System. Read more about this in our article about price comparisons.

PPP is a guide, not a rule, and affected by the type of parts included. A set containing small generic parts generally have better PPP than one containing larger specialized parts.

Price Per Minifig (PPM)

Average PPM for System in 2014 is 18.1. PPM for this set is 23.14, which is worse.

All prices are in $USD, adjusted for inflation. This set is compared to other sets categorised as System. Read more about this in our article about price comparisons.

PPM only takes the number of minifigs into account and discards everything else. It's a guide, not a rule.

Review breakdown

Scored reviews

Eurobricks Recommendation: yes 9.5 / 10 → 95 / 100

LEGO Recommendation: meh 4.6 / 5 → 92 / 100

Brickpicker Recommendation: yes 9 / 10 → 90 / 100 Recommendation: meh 4.5 / 5 → 90 / 100

Brickset Recommendation: yes 4.4 / 5 → 88 / 100

From Bricks To Bothans Recommendation: yes 4 / 5 → 80 / 100

Brickset News Recommendation: meh 4 / 5 → 80 / 100

Unscored reviews


HispaBrick Magazine

Set information

Set ID: 75059-1
Name: Sandcrawler
Parts: 3296
Minifigs: 14

Retail price (USD):
Original: 299.99
Inflation adjusted: 323.97

Price Per Part (USD):
Original: 0.09
Inflation adjusted: 0.1

Price Per Minifig (USD):
Original: 21.43
Inflation adjusted: 23.14

Other sites:

Brickset LEGO Amazon


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Eurobricks logo

Recommendation: yes 9.5 / 10 by Gunman

Amazing set... No words to say... Just looking at the series of the minifigs included you can safely say its worth its money... I suggest you buy it if you are 50/50 before its price begin to skyrocket!

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LEGO logo

Recommendation: meh 4.6 / 5 from 75 reviews

This is one of the best sets I have ever purchased. Being purely a Star Wars collector, I see rehash after rehash, and this is an excellent break. The Jawas are incredible, accurate, beautiful...maybe even unreal with the amazing attention to detail. Luke is meh, because I don't know why he has white pants, and his face looks like Sidious' s. Owen is average. R2 is lovely. 3PO is horrible, with only a silver stripe instead of a half of a leg. On him, the printing is too elaborate and awful. Every other droid, especially Treadwell, is INCREDIBLE!!!! The set itself is amazingly detailed; it is obviously not to scale, but it is still incredible. The weathering, the angles, and the treads all make it so beautifully accurate. Hesitate not, buy this set as soon as money permits!!! (My one problem: where is BERU?!?!?!?)

This score from LEGO is an aggregate of 75 reviewers. The snippet above represent only one of them.
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Brickpicker logo

Recommendation: yes 9 / 10 from 1 review

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Recommendation: meh 4.5 / 5 from 104 reviews

This isn't the prettiest Lego set in the world to look at, but it's definitely detailed and will provide hours of enjoyment putting it together. I worked with my 9 year old son to do it and we knocked it out over the course of an entire day. Once built, it's a pretty functional vehicle for playing with. It will require a little bit of shelf room to display.

This score from is an aggregate of 104 reviewers. The snippet above represent only one of them.
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Brickset logo

Recommendation: yes 4.4 / 5 from 8 reviews

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From Bricks To Bothans

From Bricks To Bothans logo

Recommendation: yes 4 / 5 by Ace Kim

I glance over at the set sitting on my kitchen table and every time I'm impressed by its look. I think the designers hit it out of the park on the overall design. Minifig issues aside, I really like this set but let's be honest. It's still a big brown box and I'm not sure where the appeal is beyond that if one isn't a fan of the original vehicle to begin with.

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Brickset News

Brickset News logo

Recommendation: meh 4 / 5 by CapnRex101

I desperately wanted to give this set a higher mark than this, but I think a four sums the set up perfectly. It is very good as a whole, but sometimes flawed, and I would argue that the value for money is not all that impressive.

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by Jang

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HispaBrick Magazine

HispaBrick Magazine logo

by hispabrick

The building process is very entertaining. Compared with other big models where you have to repeat the same step tens of times, in this case everything is different, and you should be aware to the instructions all the time because there are plenty of details in each step.

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