Brick Insights Sets Statistics FAQ

Found 84 sets and 0 categories.

Showing reviewed sets from any year in fabuland ordered by released year ↘ reviewed by any reviewer displayed as list.


Avoid 100%

Lionel Lion's Classroom

42 parts. 3 minifigs. 1 reviews.

3647-1 Fabuland 1989

3647-1 Lionel Lion's Classroom


Indifference 100%

Cathy Cat's Fun Park

43 parts. 4 minifigs. 1 reviews.

3676-1 Fabuland 1989

3676-1 Cathy Cat's Fun Park


Indifference 50%

Catherine Cat in her Kitchen

53 parts. 2 minifigs. 2 reviews.

3646-1 Fabuland 1988

3646-1 Catherine Cat in her Kitchen


Avoid 100%

Hannah Hippopotamus on a Picnic

24 parts. 1 minifigs. 1 reviews.

3798-1 Fabuland 1988

3798-1 Hannah Hippopotamus on a Picnic


Recomended 67%

Amusement Park

93 parts. 4 minifigs. 3 reviews.

3683-1 Fabuland 1988

3683-1 Amusement Park


Avoid 100%

Rowboat with Lionel Lion and Hannah Hippopotamus

12 parts. 2 minifigs. 1 reviews.

3622-1 Fabuland 1988

3622-1 Rowboat with Lionel Lion and Hannah Hippopotamus


Avoid 100%

Clive Crocodile on his Skateboard

10 parts. 1 minifigs. 1 reviews.

3721-1 Fabuland 1988

3721-1 Clive Crocodile on his Skateboard


Indifference 100%

Beauty Salon

24 parts. 2 minifigs. 1 reviews.

3623-1 Fabuland 1988

3623-1 Beauty Salon


Indifference 100%

Caravan and Rowboat

27 parts. 3 minifigs. 1 reviews.

3680-1 Fabuland 1988

3680-1 Caravan and Rowboat


Indifference 50%

Fire Station

149 parts. 3 minifigs. 2 reviews.

3682-1 Fabuland 1987

3682-1 Fire Station


Unknown 0%

Bus Stop with Maximilian Mouse

5 parts. 1 minifigs. 1 reviews.

3719-1 Fabuland 1987

3719-1 Bus Stop with Maximilian Mouse


Recomended 100%

Bonnie Bunny's New House

44 parts. 2 minifigs. 1 reviews.

3674-1 Fabuland 1987

3674-1 Bonnie Bunny's New House


Indifference 100%

Lucy Lamb's Bedroom

21 parts. 1 minifigs. 1 reviews.

3636-1 Fabuland 1987

3636-1 Lucy Lamb's Bedroom


Indifference 100%

General Store

103 parts. 3 minifigs. 3 reviews.

3675-1 Fabuland 1987

3675-1 General Store


Avoid 100%


16 parts. 2 minifigs. 2 reviews.

3659-1 Fabuland 1987

3659-1 Playground


Avoid 100%

School Room

24 parts. 3 minifigs. 1 reviews.

3645-1 Fabuland 1987

3645-1 School Room


Indifference 100%

Fire Chief Boris Bulldog

8 parts. 1 minifigs. 3 reviews.

3797-1 Fabuland 1987

3797-1 Fire Chief Boris Bulldog


Avoid 50%

Double-Decker Bus

32 parts. 2 minifigs. 2 reviews.

3662-1 Fabuland 1987

3662-1 Double-Decker Bus


Avoid 100%

Outdoor Cafe with Bonnie Bunny

6 parts. 1 minifigs. 2 reviews.

3718-1 Fabuland 1986

3718-1 Outdoor Cafe with Bonnie Bunny


Indifference 100%

Merry-Go-Round with Ticket Booth

42 parts. 3 minifigs. 1 reviews.

3668-1 Fabuland 1986

3668-1 Merry-Go-Round with Ticket Booth