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40158-1 Pirates Chess Set


Pirates Chess Set

Pirates Chess Set is LEGO set 40158-1. It has a score of 87. This is average compared to all other sets. The set is recommended by 1 reviews, based on 6 scored reviews and 7 reviews total. It is ranked in the top 18.12% scored sets on Brick Insights. We know this set was released in 2015, and it is categorised in Pirates.

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Average rating



We calculate the average rating when we've found two or more scored reviews. This set is average compared to all other sets. Read more about the ratings distribution chart here.


Indifference 83%




A review is considereded a recommendation when its score is above the reviewers median score or if it's explicitly said so in the review. Read more in our article about recommendations.

Price Per Part (PPP)

Average PPP for System in 2015 is 0.12. PPP for this set is 0.08, which is better.

All prices are in $USD, adjusted for inflation. This set is compared to other sets categorised as System. Read more about this in our article about price comparisons.

PPP is a guide, not a rule, and affected by the type of parts included. A set containing small generic parts generally have better PPP than one containing larger specialized parts.

Price Per Minifig (PPM)

Average PPM for System in 2015 is 15.07. PPM for this set is 3.24, which is better.

All prices are in $USD, adjusted for inflation. This set is compared to other sets categorised as System. Read more about this in our article about price comparisons.

PPM only takes the number of minifigs into account and discards everything else. It's a guide, not a rule.

Review breakdown

Scored reviews

Jay's Brick Blog Recommendation: yes 5 / 5 → 100 / 100

LEGO Recommendation: meh 4.57 / 5 → 91 / 100

Blocks Magazine Recommendation: meh 85 / 100 → 85 / 100 Recommendation: meh 4.2 / 5 → 84 / 100

Eurobricks Recommendation: meh 8 / 10 → 80 / 100

Brickset Recommendation: meh 4 / 5 → 80 / 100

Unscored reviews


Set information

Set ID: 40158-1
Name: Pirates Chess Set
Parts: 857
Minifigs: 20

Retail price (USD):
Original: 59.99
Inflation adjusted: 64.71

Price Per Part (USD):
Original: 0.07
Inflation adjusted: 0.08

Price Per Minifig (USD):
Original: 3.00
Inflation adjusted: 3.24

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Jay's Brick Blog

Jay's Brick Blog logo

Recommendation: yes 5 / 5 by Jay

I can honestly say that I have no major complaints about this set – the lack of monkeys is deeply concerning, but that criticism can be applied to all the new Pirates sets. This has got to be one of the best surprises of 2015 and is one of my favourite buys of the year.

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LEGO logo

Recommendation: meh 4.57 / 5 from 23 reviews

What a fun set. Great collection of Minifigures, and a truly awesome build. While I haven't played chess in over a decade, I couldn't pass this set up. The biggest features to me where: - $$ Price is great for this many pieces - Minifigures, you get a ton for this price point. While most are duplicates, it's still a nice collection - Board design. I especially love how the set all stacks up vertically to save space. To me this was the selling feature! No cons that I can think of, it's a fun set, that looks great!

This score from LEGO is an aggregate of 23 reviewers. The snippet above represent only one of them.
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Blocks Magazine

Blocks Magazine logo

Recommendation: meh 85 / 100

40158 Pirates Chess Set was reviewed in issue 8 of Blocks Magazine.

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Recommendation: meh 4.2 / 5 from 41 reviews

This is a good novelty chess board build - my first grader had a lot of fun putting it together. However, when it came time for the actual chess play, we found out that pieces are very hard to "move" on the board, that sometimes board pieces stick to the chess figures when you're lifting them up, etc. In theory, with care, a real chess game can be played; in practice, taking care to put together and restore the integrity of the Lego chessboard at every move gets boring and irritating fast. The setting looks very nice and it is attracting a lot of attention from visitors.The chess figurines have a lot of color variety amongst them, so sometimes they're hard to distinguish if a pawn is supposed to be a while or black piece...

This score from is an aggregate of 41 reviewers. The snippet above represent only one of them.
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Eurobricks logo

Recommendation: meh 8 / 10 by Kai NRG

So many pieces and so many minifigures… it's worth every penny. If I were going to keep this built, I would have to do some thorough overhauling on the landscaping sections, but since I'm not, I can feel good about giving it a good average and then tearing it up to build something better. I'm sure I'm going to get some great use out of these pieces…

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Recommendation: meh 4 / 5 from 2 reviews

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by Jang

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