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41180-1 Ragana's Magic Shadow Castle


Ragana's Magic Shadow Castle

Ragana's Magic Shadow Castle is LEGO set 41180-1. It has a score of 94. This is good compared to all other sets. The set is recommended by 3 reviews, based on 5 scored reviews and 7 reviews total. It is ranked in the top 2.29% scored sets on Brick Insights. We know this set was released in 2016, and it is categorised in Elves.

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Average rating



We calculate the average rating when we've found two or more scored reviews. This set is good compared to all other sets. Read more about the ratings distribution chart here.


Recomended 60%




A review is considereded a recommendation when its score is above the reviewers median score or if it's explicitly said so in the review. Read more in our article about recommendations.

Price Per Part (PPP)

Average PPP for System in 2016 is 0.12. PPP for this set is 0.11, which is better.

All prices are in $USD, adjusted for inflation. This set is compared to other sets categorised as System. Read more about this in our article about price comparisons.

PPP is a guide, not a rule, and affected by the type of parts included. A set containing small generic parts generally have better PPP than one containing larger specialized parts.

Price Per Minifig (PPM)

Average PPM for System in 2016 is 16.64. PPM for this set is 35.5, which is worse.

All prices are in $USD, adjusted for inflation. This set is compared to other sets categorised as System. Read more about this in our article about price comparisons.

PPM only takes the number of minifigs into account and discards everything else. It's a guide, not a rule.

Review breakdown

Scored reviews

LEGO Recommendation: yes 5 / 5 → 100 / 100

All about the brick Recommendation: yes 10 / 10 → 100 / 100

Brickset Recommendation: yes 4.5 / 5 → 90 / 100 Recommendation: meh 4.5 / 5 → 90 / 100

ttpm Recommendation: meh 4.5 / 5 → 90 / 100

Unscored reviews



Set information

Set ID: 41180-1
Name: Ragana's Magic Shadow Castle
Parts: 1014
Minifigs: 3

Retail price (USD):
Original: 99.99
Inflation adjusted: 106.51

Price Per Part (USD):
Original: 0.10
Inflation adjusted: 0.11

Price Per Minifig (USD):
Original: 33.33
Inflation adjusted: 35.5

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LEGO logo

Recommendation: yes 5 / 5 from 9 reviews

There are so many awesome things about this set.. The accessories The colours The minifigures The animals (cat and dragon) The moving stairs, the shakey bridge, the trap door, the escape from the jail cell, etc The catapult The only thing I would say is that $99 seems a bit much for the actual size of this set. There is a lot packed in here but it's actually quite small. $70-$80 seems more reasonable for the Size. It's a very good set though. Very fun to play with.

This score from LEGO is an aggregate of 9 reviewers. The snippet above represent only one of them.
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All about the brick

All about the brick logo

Recommendation: yes 10 / 10 by Rusty

What can I say I really enjoyed building this set and loved watching the hours of enjoyment my daughter and son got from playing with it. LEGO have done a great job capturing the LEGO Elves theme and lots of playability elements within the build. The colour scheme is garish, but works well with Ragana's story and magic. If all else fails and my children lose interest, just think of all the wonderful elements that can be incorporated into future MOCs!

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Brickset logo

Recommendation: yes 4.5 / 5 from 4 reviews

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Recommendation: meh 4.5 / 5 from 97 reviews

We love the Elves line. I love the colors, the attention to construction so things don't just fall apart in play, the neat little surprises like trap doors, and the tiny details. My girls love building structures and then using structures for adventures - and the Elves line is perfect for that. Ragana's castle has served as both the home to a nice wizard elf as well as a evil queen. The trap door + jail has housed daring heroes as well as coveted treasures. We love the "grand entrance" of the front door, which slides the guest through the door. My girls cracked up at the chocolate bar on the couch. They love to "brew potions" in the potion area. And my 4 year old adores the little cat.The instruction booklet is clear, like all lego instructions. My 7 year old is able to build the sets entirely on her own, but she has a very long attention span. My 4 year old needs our assistance but we enjoy building it anyway :)

This score from is an aggregate of 97 reviewers. The snippet above represent only one of them.
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ttpm logo

Recommendation: meh 4.5 / 5

This is a very large and very cool construction set with lots of detail, moving parts, and hidden surprises that really help kids play out the good versus evil storyline of LEGO Elves. It's a fun new extension of the original LEGO Elves storyline, and fans of LEGO Elves will enjoy returning to Elvendale with Emily Jones to save the dragons from the elf witch.

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Eurobricks logo

by Velouria

It's a step up from last year's castle, I think, which I found a little one-dimensional and only really had the portal as a playfeature (impressive as it was). Expensive, but highly recommended!

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by Jang

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