Brick Insights Sets Statistics FAQ

Found 21696 sets and 0 categories.

Showing all sets from any year in all categories ordered by released year ↘ reviewed by any reviewer displayed as list.


Indifference 50%

EV3 Medium Servo Motor

1 parts. $29.95. 2 reviews.

45503-1 Mindstorms EV3 2013

45503-1 EV3 Medium Servo Motor


Indifference 67%

Pirate Ship Ambush

756 parts. 9 minifigs. $99.99. 7 reviews.

79008-1 The Lord of the Rings The Return of the King 2013

79008-1 Pirate Ship Ambush


Unknown 0%

Microbuild Designer & Robot Designer

377 parts. 0 reviews.

5001270-1 Master Builder Academy 2013


Avoid 50%

EV3 Ultrasonic Sensor

1 parts. $39.95. 2 reviews.

45504-1 Mindstorms EV3 2013

45504-1 EV3 Ultrasonic Sensor


Recomended 100%

A Million Little Bricks: The Unofficial Illustrated History of the LEGO Phenomenon

1 reviews.

ISBN9781626361188-1 Books Skyhorse Publishing 2013

ISBN9781626361188-1 A Million Little Bricks: The Unofficial Illustrated History of the LEGO Phenomenon


Avoid 100%

EV3 Gyro Sensor

1 parts. $34.99. 1 reviews.

45505-1 Mindstorms EV3 2013

45505-1 EV3 Gyro Sensor


Avoid 50%

EV3 Colour Sensor

1 parts. $49.95. 2 reviews.

45506-1 Mindstorms EV3 2013

45506-1 EV3 Colour Sensor


Indifference 67%

Dol Guldur Ambush

217 parts. 3 minifigs. $19.99. 6 reviews.

79011-1 The Hobbit The Desolation of Smaug 2013

79011-1 Dol Guldur Ambush


Indifference 100%

EV3 Touch Sensor

1 parts. $29.95. 1 reviews.

45507-1 Mindstorms EV3 2013

45507-1 EV3 Touch Sensor


Indifference 100%

The Battle of Helm's Deep

338 parts. 28 minifigs. 2 reviews.

50011-1 Games Licensed 2013

50011-1 The Battle of Helm's Deep


Indifference 80%

Mirkwood Elf Army

276 parts. 6 minifigs. $29.99. 8 reviews.

79012-1 The Hobbit The Desolation of Smaug 2013

79012-1 Mirkwood Elf Army


Recomended 100%

EV3 Infrared Beacon

1 parts. $34.99. 2 reviews.

45508-1 Mindstorms EV3 2013

45508-1 EV3 Infrared Beacon


Indifference 100%

BR LEGO Minifigure

5 parts. 1 minifigs. 3 reviews.

5001121-1 Promotional Minifigure 2013

5001121-1 BR LEGO Minifigure


Indifference 50%

Lake-town Chase

470 parts. 5 minifigs. $49.99. 6 reviews.

79013-1 The Hobbit The Desolation of Smaug 2013

79013-1 Lake-town Chase


Indifference 100%

EV3 Infrared Sensor

1 parts. $34.99. 1 reviews.

45509-1 Mindstorms EV3 2013

45509-1 EV3 Infrared Sensor


Indifference 67%

Dol Guldur Battle

797 parts. 8 minifigs. $69.99. 4 reviews.

79014-1 The Hobbit The Desolation of Smaug 2013

79014-1 Dol Guldur Battle


Unknown 0%

Time Machine

0 reviews.

20209-1 Master Builder Academy 2013


Avoid 100%

Cable Pack

7 parts. $24.95. 2 reviews.

45514-1 Education Mindstorms 2013

45514-1 Cable Pack


Unknown 0%

Bluetooth Dongle

0 reviews.

45515-1 Education Mindstorms 2013

45515-1 Bluetooth Dongle


Unknown 0%

World Architecture

0 reviews.

20210-1 Master Builder Academy 2013