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79000-1 Riddles for the Ring


Riddles for the Ring

Riddles for the Ring is LEGO set 79000-1. It has a score of 70. This is bad compared to all other sets. The set is recommended by 0 reviews, based on 5 scored reviews and 9 reviews total. It is ranked in the bottom 15.07% scored sets on Brick Insights. We know this set was released in 2012, and it is categorised in The Hobbit.


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Average rating



We calculate the average rating when we've found two or more scored reviews. This set is bad compared to all other sets. Read more about the ratings distribution chart here.


Avoid 60%




A review is considereded a recommendation when its score is above the reviewers median score or if it's explicitly said so in the review. Read more in our article about recommendations.

Price Per Part (PPP)

Average PPP for System in 2012 is 0.14. PPP for this set is 0.11, which is better.

All prices are in $USD, adjusted for inflation. This set is compared to other sets categorised as System. Read more about this in our article about price comparisons.

PPP is a guide, not a rule, and affected by the type of parts included. A set containing small generic parts generally have better PPP than one containing larger specialized parts.

Price Per Minifig (PPM)

Average PPM for System in 2012 is 17.6. PPM for this set is 5.57, which is better.

All prices are in $USD, adjusted for inflation. This set is compared to other sets categorised as System. Read more about this in our article about price comparisons.

PPM only takes the number of minifigs into account and discards everything else. It's a guide, not a rule.

Review breakdown

Scored reviews Recommendation: meh 4.2 / 5 → 84 / 100

Brickset Recommendation: meh 3.8 / 5 → 76 / 100

The Brick Fan Recommendation: no 3.5 / 5 → 70 / 100

Brickpicker Recommendation: no 6.18 / 10 → 62 / 100

Vaderfan2187's Blog Recommendation: no 2.8 / 5 → 56 / 100

Unscored reviews

Brickset News

The Brothers Brick

Jay's Brick Blog


Set information

Set ID: 79000-1
Name: Riddles for the Ring
Parts: 105
Minifigs: 2

Retail price (USD):
Original: 9.99
Inflation adjusted: 11.12

Price Per Part (USD):
Original: 0.10
Inflation adjusted: 0.11

Price Per Minifig (USD):
Original: 5.00
Inflation adjusted: 5.57

Other sites:

Brickset Amazon



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Recommendation: meh 4.2 / 5 from 101 reviews

This is it. This is the set around which the entire world of Middle Earth revolves. This is where the Ring of Power comes into the unlikely hands of a Hobbit. For those who love the books and the movies, this is a must-have set. Put it on your desk at the office. Put it in your kids' stockings or Pascha (Easter) baskets. This one set so beautifully captures the essence of the story. Here we have the forgotten Golem, victim of his own self serving love, confronted with Bilbo, a selfless Hobbit who has left his own beloved home to aid those he never even met in their quest to return to their home. Here they meet in the stinking depths of a Goblin underworld. There they come face-to-face with each other, and in their meeting the history of Middle Earth is changed for all time. Then of course, after you get this set, be sure to read the books if you haven't already. You will thank yourself for it.

This score from is an aggregate of 101 reviewers. The snippet above represent only one of them.
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Recommendation: meh 3.8 / 5 from 8 reviews

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The Brick Fan

The Brick Fan logo

Recommendation: no 3.5 / 5 by Allen "Tormentalous" Tran

The Riddles For The Ring set is a very good set to pick up. The minifigures are nicely detailed and the cave makes a good display piece. You also get some spare pieces including an extra Ring piece. I would highly recommend it as a starting set to the Hobbit theme.

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Recommendation: no 6.18 / 10 from 5 reviews

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Vaderfan2187's Blog

Vaderfan2187's Blog logo

Recommendation: no 2.8 / 5 by Vaderfan2187

I think this is a pretty decent set overall. It's an affordable way of getting Bilbo, the movie's main character, as well as Gollum. Though there are no exclusive characters in this set, so if you own a set with Bilbo and the Shelob Attacks set, there really isn't a need for you to get this.

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Brickset News

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by Huw

There's not much else to say about this set other than it's a great little impulse purchase and a good introduction to The Hobbit theme.

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The Brothers Brick

The Brothers Brick logo

by Andrew

One copy is a must-buy for anybody interested in Tolkien LEGO, but I'd recommend multiple copies for LEGO Castle builders and anybody starting to specialize in LEGO models of Middle Earth (as I know some Castle builders are beginning to do) — this set is a fantastic way to bulk up on both Hobbit minifigs and landscaping parts. (Notice that I said “both;" if you're just after the readily available gray parts, you're probably overpaying.)

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Jay's Brick Blog

Jay's Brick Blog logo

by Jay

For the smallest of small sets, this is a pretty good buy. You get Bilbo Baggins without having to shell out 70 bucks for Barrel Escape AND of course Gollum, which is the main reason why anyone would pick this set up. It's great that Lego inserted such an iconic character into the cheapest Hobbit set to make it easy for collectors to get their hands on him. As a set, it's pretty decently designed, especially when placed within the context of the books and movie. The craggy slope structure might get a little old if you've been building Lord of the Rings sets but at 20 dollars, you'd be hard pressed to complain.

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BZPower logo

by Andrew

In the end, this is really a set for the fans and for people who want the minifigs. It offers some good play value and parts, but nothing that makes it a must-buy. I'm glad I have it on display though, along with my many other Tolkien LEGO sets.

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