Brick Insights Sets Statistics FAQ

Found 3010 sets and 0 categories.

Showing reviewed sets from any year in all categories ordered by released year ↘ reviewed by eurobricks displayed as list.


Indifference 83%

Harry Potter (Invisibility Cloak)

7 parts. 1 minifigs. 12 reviews.

71022-15 Collectable Minifigures Harry Potter Series 2018

71022-15 Harry Potter (Invisibility Cloak)


Indifference 60%

Professor Albus Dumbledore

8 parts. 1 minifigs. 11 reviews.

71022-16 Collectable Minifigures Harry Potter Series 2018

71022-16 Professor Albus Dumbledore


Indifference 50%

Newt Scamander

9 parts. 1 minifigs. 12 reviews.

71022-17 Collectable Minifigures Harry Potter Series 2018

71022-17 Newt Scamander


Indifference 67%

Tina Goldstein

8 parts. 1 minifigs. 12 reviews.

71022-18 Collectable Minifigures Harry Potter Series 2018

71022-18 Tina Goldstein


Indifference 83%

Jacob Kowalski

9 parts. 1 minifigs. 12 reviews.

71022-19 Collectable Minifigures Harry Potter Series 2018

71022-19 Jacob Kowalski


Indifference 50%

Hermione Granger

7 parts. 1 minifigs. 12 reviews.

71022-2 Collectable Minifigures Harry Potter Series 2018

71022-2 Hermione Granger


Indifference 67%

Queenie Goldstein

7 parts. 1 minifigs. 12 reviews.

71022-20 Collectable Minifigures Harry Potter Series 2018

71022-20 Queenie Goldstein


Avoid 50%

Credence Barebone

6 parts. 1 minifigs. 12 reviews.

71022-21 Collectable Minifigures Harry Potter Series 2018

71022-21 Credence Barebone


Indifference 83%

Percival Graves

7 parts. 1 minifigs. 12 reviews.

71022-22 Collectable Minifigures Harry Potter Series 2018

71022-22 Percival Graves


Indifference 60%

LEGO Minifigures - Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts Series - Complete

171 parts. 22 minifigs. 12 reviews.

71022-23 Collectable Minifigures Harry Potter Series 2018

71022-23 LEGO Minifigures - Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts Series - Complete


Indifference 100%

LEGO Minifigures - Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts Series - Sealed Box

$3.99. 11 reviews.

71022-24 Collectable Minifigures Harry Potter Series 2018

71022-24 LEGO Minifigures - Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts Series - Sealed Box


Avoid 50%

Ron Weasley

7 parts. 1 minifigs. 12 reviews.

71022-3 Collectable Minifigures Harry Potter Series 2018

71022-3 Ron Weasley


Indifference 83%

Draco Malfoy

9 parts. 1 minifigs. 12 reviews.

71022-4 Collectable Minifigures Harry Potter Series 2018

71022-4 Draco Malfoy


Indifference 50%

Luna Lovegood

9 parts. 1 minifigs. 12 reviews.

71022-5 Collectable Minifigures Harry Potter Series 2018

71022-5 Luna Lovegood


Indifference 83%

Neville Longbottom

9 parts. 1 minifigs. 12 reviews.

71022-6 Collectable Minifigures Harry Potter Series 2018

71022-6 Neville Longbottom


Avoid 50%

Cho Chang

8 parts. 1 minifigs. 12 reviews.

71022-7 Collectable Minifigures Harry Potter Series 2018

71022-7 Cho Chang


Indifference 67%

Dean Thomas

8 parts. 1 minifigs. 12 reviews.

71022-8 Collectable Minifigures Harry Potter Series 2018

71022-8 Dean Thomas


Indifference 100%

Lord Voldemort

6 parts. 1 minifigs. 12 reviews.

71022-9 Collectable Minifigures Harry Potter Series 2018

71022-9 Lord Voldemort


Indifference 75%

Tech Wizard Showdown

506 parts. 3 minifigs. $39.99. 7 reviews.

72004-1 Nexo Knights Season 5 2018

72004-1 Tech Wizard Showdown


Avoid 40%

Rhino Face-Off by the Mine

229 parts. 3 minifigs. $19.99. 12 reviews.

76099-1 Marvel Super Heroes Black Panther 2018

76099-1 Rhino Face-Off by the Mine