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75284-1 Knights of Ren Transport Ship


Knights of Ren Transport Ship

Knights of Ren Transport Ship is LEGO set 75284-1. It has a score of 75. This is average compared to all other sets. The set is recommended by 0 reviews, based on 2 scored reviews and 6 reviews total. It is ranked in the bottom 27.45% scored sets on Brick Insights. We know this set was released in 2020, and it is categorised in Star Wars.

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Average rating



We calculate the average rating when we've found two or more scored reviews. This set is average compared to all other sets. Read more about the ratings distribution chart here.


Avoid 83%




A review is considereded a recommendation when its score is above the reviewers median score or if it's explicitly said so in the review. Read more in our article about recommendations.

Price Per Part (PPP)

Average PPP for System in 2020 is 0.12. PPP for this set is 0.12, which is average.

All prices are in $USD, adjusted for inflation. This set is compared to other sets categorised as System. Read more about this in our article about price comparisons.

PPP is a guide, not a rule, and affected by the type of parts included. A set containing small generic parts generally have better PPP than one containing larger specialized parts.

Price Per Minifig (PPM)

Average PPM for System in 2020 is 18.04. PPM for this set is 23.33, which is worse.

All prices are in $USD, adjusted for inflation. This set is compared to other sets categorised as System. Read more about this in our article about price comparisons.

PPM only takes the number of minifigs into account and discards everything else. It's a guide, not a rule.

Review breakdown

Scored reviews

LEGO Recommendation: no 4 / 5 → 80 / 100

Brickset Recommendation: no 3.5 / 5 → 70 / 100

Unscored reviews

JANGBRiCKS Recommendation: no

The Brothers Brick Recommendation: no

Brick Fanatics Recommendation: no

Brickset News Recommendation: meh

Set information

Set ID: 75284-1
Name: Knights of Ren Transport Ship
Parts: 595
Minifigs: 3

Retail price (USD):
Original: 69.99
Inflation adjusted: 69.99

Price Per Part (USD):
Original: 0.12
Inflation adjusted: 0.12

Price Per Minifig (USD):
Original: 23.33
Inflation adjusted: 23.33

Other sites:

Brickset LEGO Amazon


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LEGO logo

Recommendation: no 4 / 5 from 24 reviews

My son loves to play with legos. He gets these sets all the time and really enjoys making different things. He's 10 and put this Transport ship together by himself in about 2 hours. Legos are great to keep kids busy.

This score from LEGO is an aggregate of 24 reviewers. The snippet above represent only one of them.
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Brickset logo

Recommendation: no 3.5 / 5 from 4 reviews

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Recommendation: no by Jang

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The Brothers Brick

The Brothers Brick logo

Recommendation: no by Andrew Becraft (TBB Editor-in-Chief)

At $70 for what amounts to a flimsy, undersized vehicle and just two unique minifigs, it's hard to recommend this set at anything other than deep discount — or buying the minifigs individually on the secondary market after the set's release, if you're willing to pay about $30 for each of the six Knights of Ren minifigs from across four sets. The set has the feeling of a product designed by a committee to fill an empty price point in a lineup of sets while drawing in collectors with otherwise unavailable minifigs. In other words, it feels less like a labor of love from the incredibly talented LEGO Star Wars design team or a gift to fans — as many LEGO Star Wars sets truly do — than the cash grab I feared it would be when I opened the set.

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Brick Fanatics

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Recommendation: no by Kat

With only two exclusive minifigures, 75284 Knights of Ren Transport Ship just doesn't warrant its full price tag because the model is underwhelming when finished. It needed more pieces to make it more like a ship and less like a Microfighter because 75284 is in some strange limbo between the two.

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Brickset News

Brickset News logo

Recommendation: meh by CapnRex101

Taking its price into consideration, 75284 Knights of Ren Transport Ship has been executed reasonably well. The exterior features excellent shaping and texture, faithfully replicating the source material, while the new Knights of Ren are outstanding. Even so, I think some further minifigures should have been included and Chewbacca would be especially appropriate.

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