Brick Insights Sets Statistics FAQ

Found 23 sets and 0 categories.

Showing all sets from any year in the lego batman movie series 2 ordered by released year ↘ reviewed by any reviewer displayed as list.


Indifference 80%

Swimming Pool Batman

7 parts. 1 minifigs. 12 reviews.

71020-6 Collectable Minifigures The LEGO Batman Movie series 2 2018

71020-6 Swimming Pool Batman


Avoid 60%

Doctor Phosphorus

6 parts. 1 minifigs. 12 reviews.

71020-18 Collectable Minifigures The LEGO Batman Movie series 2 2018

71020-18 Doctor Phosphorus


Indifference 57%

Friends are Family Harley Quinn

8 parts. 1 minifigs. 14 reviews.

71020-1 Collectable Minifigures The LEGO Batman Movie series 2 2018

71020-1 Friends are Family Harley Quinn