reviews by The Brick Fan are indexed.
We've indexed 932 reviews by The Brick Fan. 512 reviews are scored and 420 reviews are unscored. That's 55% scored.
is the average score given by The Brick Fan.
is the median score given by The Brick Fan.
The average score for this reviewer can be compared to the overall average which is 79.09. A good score for The Brick Fan is above 93.2. An average score is between 72.62 - 93.2. A bad score is less than 72.62.
The median score for The Brick Fan is 90. Brick Insights will consider a review from this reviewer with a significantly higher score as recommended, and a significantly lower score as not recommended.
Here's how The Brick Fan score distribution compares to the global distribution.
The category The Brick Fan has reviewed the most is Collectable Minifigures, with 367 reviews.
It is healthy for a reviewer to have a good recommendation distribution. In general, you should expect most reviews to be marked as up to personal taste, with a minority marked as recommendeded and not recommended. You can see the global recommendation distribution in this article.
Total: 687 / 932
Not all reviews are marked as recommended or not. In general, all reviews added 2019 and forward are tagged properly.
awesome authors has created reviews for The Brick Fan.
Creating reviews is hard and important, so we should all be appreciative of the fantastic people who do. The names of the reviewers from The Brick Fan are listed below, with the amount of reviews in parenthesis. A big shoutout to you!
Allen "Tormentalous" Tran (907), and Chad Collins (25).