Brick Insights Sets Statistics FAQ

Found 3010 sets and 0 categories.

Showing reviewed sets from any year in all categories ordered by released year ↘ reviewed by eurobricks displayed as list.


Indifference 100%

Star Justice

895 parts. 8 minifigs. $99.99. 3 reviews.

10191-1 Factory Space 2008

10191-1 Star Justice


Recomended 67%

Temple of the Crystal Skull

929 parts. 10 minifigs. $79.99. 4 reviews.

7627-1 Indiana Jones Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 2008

7627-1 Temple of the Crystal Skull


Indifference 100%

Space Skulls

956 parts. 4 minifigs. $99.99. 3 reviews.

10192-1 Factory Space 2008

10192-1 Space Skulls


Recomended 100%

Peril in Peru

625 parts. 6 minifigs. $49.99. 4 reviews.

7628-1 Indiana Jones Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 2008

7628-1 Peril in Peru


Indifference 67%

Troll Battle Wheel

508 parts. 6 minifigs. $39.99. 4 reviews.

7041-1 Castle Fantasy Era 2008

7041-1 Troll Battle Wheel


Indifference 83%

Crossbow Attack

54 parts. 3 minifigs. $5.99. 6 reviews.

7090-1 Castle Fantasy Era 2007

7090-1 Crossbow Attack


Indifference 100%

Claw Crusher

99 parts. 1 minifigs. $7.99. 4 reviews.

8101-1 Exo-Force Golden City 2007

8101-1 Claw Crusher


Indifference 100%

Blade Titan

162 parts. 1 minifigs. $14.99. 3 reviews.

8102-1 Exo-Force Golden City 2007

8102-1 Blade Titan


Indifference 67%

Iron Condor

141 parts. 1 minifigs. $14.99. 3 reviews.

8105-1 Exo-Force Golden City 2007

8105-1 Iron Condor


Recomended 67%

Aero Booster

312 parts. 1 minifigs. $29.99. 3 reviews.

8106-1 Exo-Force Golden City 2007

8106-1 Aero Booster


Indifference 57%

Droids Battle Pack

102 parts. 7 minifigs. $9.99. 7 reviews.

7654-1 Star Wars Episode III 2007

7654-1 Droids Battle Pack


Avoid 50%

Fight for the Golden Tower

571 parts. 2 minifigs. $49.99. 4 reviews.

8107-1 Exo-Force Golden City 2007

8107-1 Fight for the Golden Tower


Avoid 43%

Clone Troopers Battle Pack

58 parts. 4 minifigs. $9.99. 7 reviews.

7655-1 Star Wars Episode III 2007

7655-1 Clone Troopers Battle Pack


Avoid 33%

Mobile Devastator

1009 parts. 13 minifigs. $89.99. 3 reviews.

8108-1 Exo-Force Golden City 2007

8108-1 Mobile Devastator


Indifference 50%

General Grievous Starfighter

232 parts. 1 minifigs. $19.99. 6 reviews.

7656-1 Star Wars Episode III 2007

7656-1 General Grievous Starfighter


Indifference 75%

Knight's Catapult Defense

123 parts. 4 minifigs. $9.99. 4 reviews.

7091-1 Castle Fantasy Era 2007

7091-1 Knight's Catapult Defense


Indifference 40%


244 parts. 1 minifigs. $19.99. 6 reviews.

7657-1 Star Wars Episode VI 2007

7657-1 AT-ST


Recomended 50%

Y-wing Fighter

454 parts. 2 minifigs. $39.99. 4 reviews.

7658-1 Star Wars Episode IV 2007

7658-1 Y-wing Fighter


Indifference 50%

Imperial Landing Craft

471 parts. 5 minifigs. $49.99. 7 reviews.

7659-1 Star Wars Episode IV 2007

7659-1 Imperial Landing Craft


Indifference 75%

Naboo N-1 Starfighter with Vulture Droid

280 parts. 3 minifigs. $29.99. 5 reviews.

7660-1 Star Wars Episode I 2007

7660-1 Naboo N-1 Starfighter with Vulture Droid