Brick Insights Sets Statistics FAQ
71233-1 Stay Puft Fun Pack

Best LEGO sets of all time:

Fun Pack

See all Fun Pack sets

Fun Pack is a LEGO category that had 38 sets released in 2015-2017. This page details statistics of this theme, derived from all of the reviews Brick Insights has gathered and interpreted. You'll find a breakdown of the following:

Best rated Fun Pack sets of all time

Let's get the best part done first. These are the highest rated Fun Pack sets of all time.

All Fun Pack sets by rating

71349-1 Beetlejuice Fun Pack


Indifference 67%

Beetlejuice Fun Pack

71349-1 Dimensions Fun Pack 2017

71343-1 Buttercup Fun Pack


Avoid 33%

Buttercup Fun Pack

71343-1 Dimensions Fun Pack 2017

71238-1 Cyberman Fun Pack


Indifference 67%

Cyberman Fun Pack

71238-1 Dimensions Fun Pack 2016

71266-1 Chase McCain Fun Pack


Indifference 67%

Chase McCain Fun Pack

71266-1 Dimensions Fun Pack 2017

Worst rated Fun Pack sets of all time

Just for fun - these are the worst rated Fun Pack sets.

71211-1 Bart Simpson Fun Pack


Avoid 100%

Bart Simpson Fun Pack

71211-1 Dimensions Fun Pack 2015

71236-1 Superman Fun Pack


Avoid 100%

Superman Fun Pack

71236-1 Dimensions Fun Pack 2016

71231-1 Unikitty Fun Pack


Avoid 75%

Unikitty Fun Pack

71231-1 Dimensions Fun Pack 2015

71232-1 Eris Fun Pack


Avoid 100%

Eris Fun Pack

71232-1 Dimensions Fun Pack 2015


is the average rating of all Fun Pack sets.

This rating is the average of all 27 scored sets in Fun Pack. Compared to other categories this is average. 11 unscored sets are not included. 71% of all sets in this category are scored. Here's the distribution of all categories and where Fun Pack is in relation to the others.

To know what it takes for a set to get a score and thus be included in these calculations, check out the FAQ.


Fun Pack rating over the years

Years without scored sets are not included.

Recommendation distribution

Alright, so that's the rating. But are the sets generally recommended? The data we've collected shows that the majority of Fun Pack sets are considered not recommended:

Avoid 55%




Total: 38 / 38

Not all sets in our database are marked as recommended or not. We currently have 0 sets in Fun Pack that are considered unknown. They are excluded from these calculations.

A set is considered recommended when the majority of reviews recommend it. If you're interested in knowing when a review is considered a recommendation, I keep that reasoning updated in Brick Insights FAQ. I've also written an article detailing the recommendation distribution of all reviews.


Since part prices vary a lot depending on part types, Brick Insights attempts to group similar categories together. We call these meta-categories comparable categories. Fun Pack is bundled into System along with these:

Advanced models Adventurers Agents Alpha Team Animal Crossing Aqua Raiders Aquazone Architecture Art Assorted Atlantis Avatar Avatar: The Last Airbender Basic Batman Bluey Boats Botanicals Brick Sketches BrickHeadz Bricklink Bricks and More Building Set with People Bulk Bricks Cars Castle City Classic Creator Creator Expert DC Comics Super Heroes DC Super Hero Girls Despicable Me Dino Dino 2010 Dino Attack Dinosaurs Discovery Disney Dreamzzz Elves Exo-Force Factory Fortnite Freestyle Friends Fusion Gabby's Dollhouse Ghostbusters Harry Potter Hidden Side Hobby Set Homemaker Horizon Icons Ideas Indiana Jones Island Xtreme Stunts Jurassic World LEGO Games LEGO Universe LEGOLAND Legends of Chima Life of George Make and Create Marvel Super Heroes Master Builder Academy Mickey Mouse Minecraft Minions: The Rise of Gru Minitalia Mixels Model Team Monkie Kid Monster Fighters Nexo Knights Ninjago One Piece Overwatch Pharaoh's Quest Pirates Pirates of the Caribbean Power Miners PreSchool Prince of Persia Promotional Racers Rock Raiders Samsonite Scooby-Doo Seasonal Serious Play Service Packs Sonic The Hedgehog Space Speed Champions Speed Racer Spider-Man SpongeBob SquarePants Sports Star Wars Stranger Things Studios Super Mario System Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Angry Birds Movie The Hobbit The LEGO Batman Movie The LEGO Movie The LEGO Movie 2 The LEGO Ninjago Movie The Legend of Zelda The Lone Ranger The Lord of the Rings The Powerpuff Girls The Simpsons Time Cruisers Town Toy Story Trolls World Tour Ultra Agents Unikitty Universal Building Set Various Vidiyo Vikings Wednesday Western Wicked World City World Racers Xtra tbd

The average price per part (PPP) of all System sets is 0.18. The average PPP for Fun Pack is 0.31. Meanwhile, the average price per minifig (PPM) in System is 18.24 and the average PPM for Fun Pack is 15.48.

Fun Pack prices over the years

All prices are adjusted for inflation.